Thursday, 27th of February 2020
If you are familiar with Lean Production / Lean Management, then you've probably heard of the term 'Kaizen' -the Japanese expression for continuous improvement by daily action.
It is a very powerful way of improving. Not striving for big or difficult changes, just an everlasting continuous sequence of small steps. In the end, it is the continuous drop of water that will eventually hollow out the stone, not the gushing out of 10 litre of water at once.
And although the idea behind this is very clear and logical, it remains tempting to ask yourself the question of whether you could speed up the process. Would the result be the same if those -figuratively speaking- drops of water follow closer after each other? And where lays that tipping point that they follow each other up too soon (or too slow) in order to enable you to maximise the effect?
Keep reading, and we will dive deeper into which approach is most suitable for you, to maximise your development as an ambitious leader.
